Tim Gorski is Director and Producer for Rattle the Cage Productions, a USA 501c3 non-profit. He has written, directed, and produced several award winning human stories and wildlife conservation pieces. Gorski was field-producer and lead cinematographer on At the Edge of the World in Antarctic, a cinema verite documentary following the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet. At the Edge of the World premiered at the 2008 Toronto Intl. Film Festival and eventually became the impetus for Animal Planet’s acclaimed hale War. Tim’s most recent film How I Became An Elephant garnered the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival award for Best Children’s Program. He is on the jury committee for the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival and on the board of Xishuangbanna, China, Wildlife Festival and summit.
2014 Mostra Animals Film Festival, Brazil. Best Documentary
2013 Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival - Best Youth Program
2012 Korean Green Festival - Best from The West
2011 Artivist Film Festival, Hollywood, CA. Best Youth Activist program
2008 Haskel Wexler Best Cinematography Award for At the Edge of the World
2003 Newport Beach International Film Festival - Best Documentary
2003 New Jersey International Film Festival - Best Documentary
2003 San Antonio Underground Film Festival - 2nd place
2003 Rhode Island International Film Festival - Best Niche Film